A great master is both humble and gentle, while remaining swift and sharp as a sword.
Love and be kind to yourself.Be strong. Understand that you matter and are special. Believe that you are deserving of happiness, fulfillment, good health and great success.
Walking the difficult path is often rewarded with greatest rewards.
All souls matter. Look for the good in others and you will bring out the best in you.
Practice letting go of planning for the perfect life, practice rather the experience of living your life fully, appreciating the wonder of right now, moment by moment. - Zen
A strong soul stands up for themselves, a stronger soul stands up for others.
In order to Master anything, first realize that a true Master is a life long Student.
Move through each day with a spirit that fears nothing.
Life is an echo.
What you send out comes back to you.
What you sow, you shall reap.
What you give out, you get back.
"Peace begins with a smile." Mother Teresa
Acquisition of Wisdom:
1) Silence
2) Listening
3) Memorizing
4) Practice
5) Teaching others
"We are made to persist. That is how we find out who we are." Tobia Wolff
Gently Block, Redirect energy, Hit hard.
"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." Bruce Lee
To subdue an enemy without fighting is the greatest of skills. - Sun Tzu, Art of War
A warrior does not fight because he hates those in front of him, but because of his love for those behind him.
Become a warrior of peace, by understanding that the greatest battles of all occur everyday, within yourself.
The black belt around my waist does nothing more than go around my waist, I am a black belt because of my state of mind and attitude.
Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. - Bruce Lee
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. - Bruce Lee
The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain. - Aristotle
No Contracts
Many martial arts schools lock you into contracts. We don't. There is only a nominal month-to-month rate - one of the most affordable around!
"Bully Proofing"
Every month in the United States, three million children miss school due to fear of bullies. Training in the martial arts will help boost a child's self-esteem and self confidence to help them become bully-proof. Our goal is to instill in your child unshakable confidence so they can overcome bullies without violence.
Studies suggest that bullying may be the leading cause of low self-esteem in children, and according to some surveys, less than 15% of kids actually report acts of bullying. Children's inability to stand up to a bully is rooted in profound fear for their personal safety. Ironically, the victims know that they must confront the bully and would like nothing more than to stand up to them. But, they simply can't follow through for fear of the physical harm that backs the bully's every action. And, therein lies the challenge – how do you instill in a victim of bullying the confidence to face the tormentor, look them in the eye, and back them down? The answer is simple – teach the victims to defend themselves against physical attack, and the rest will follow. Martial arts teaches three critical approaches to dealing with bullies:
The bottom line is: we will prepare your child to defend themselves against bullies without turning them into one. |
Southern Dragon Taekwondo:
Women's Self Defense
Self defense and self protection are an important priority for women. The most common crime to happen to a woman is rape, but it is more about a feeling of dominance from one person over another rather than actual sex. According to statistics, the majority of rapes are perpetrated by men who women know. Assault on women is also a common crime because assailants assume women will be more passive and not fight back; this has to do with stereotypes of women. The best way for women to fight back against crime is to prevent it from happening by avoiding being alone or being in badly lit areas. However, getting into such situations is sometimes inevitable.The majority of rapes occur in the victim’s home. According to the Bureau of Justice, almost 40 percent of all rapes take place in the female victim’s home. In the event that rape prevention fails—such as by avoiding problem areas or making sure a woman is never alone—the best chance for survival is to fight back. Fighting back is not just necessary, but it is a moral right because protecting one’s self is paramount. The rest of the article will discuss why self defense is important, some tools and techniques for effective self defense, and information on gun use.
Why Self Defense is Important Self defense is important because statistics say that all women are good candidates to become victims of violent crime at any point in their lives. According to statistics, a woman who is only 21 years of age has a 25 percent risk of suffering violent crime in her life. Self defense is more than just okay. When a woman's safety is in danger, defending herself by fighting back is the most ethical decision she can make. This is were training in the martial arts can significantly increase a women's ability to survive an attack. Training in any of the various types of martial art styles, women can learn to defend themselves. Through training in Taekwondo women will gain a greater self-confidence in attack situations, through the use of the self defense techniques, the various throws that are taught in the system as well as the applied techniques of the ITF women will learn to protect themselves confidently and securely while facing a more powerful, more aggressive attacker. Ten Tips of Self Defense1. Be aware of your surroundings. Too often women are preoccupied and not being observant, this can lead to trouble.
2. Remember to keep your body language strong. Avoid looking like a victim or an easy target. 3. Let the attacker know you are aware of their presence. 4. Ready your body. Prepare your body for fighting with a "ready stance". 5. Trust your instincts, if you feel danger approaching, get out of the situation as fast as possible. 6. If you feel someone is following you, turn and look them straight in the eye. This gives the impression that you aren't fearful and will help you have a description of who they are. 7. If grabbed by a stranger, remember the four most sensitive areas on a man's body are the eyes, knees, groin, and throat. On a woman, there are three: eyes, throat, and knees. Women 8. Don't yell police, people don't respond to cries for help. Instead, be specific, call out to a passerby, "Hey you, call 911 immediately!" This is more effective then yelling, "Help, police!" 9. Have a plan of attack ready in your mind. Practice how you will defend yourself and then if the situation arises, you won't be mentally unprepared for what you may have to do to defend yourself. 10. Anything is a weapon in times of self-defense. Search your surrounding environment, if you are attacked there are no holds barred, your very life will depend on your ingenuity for your survival. In a parking lot, objects such as bottles, rocks, stones, even sticks can become weapons. |